The decision will make it easier for victims of clerical crimes to demand compensation , and it could eventually oblige the church authorities to compensate abuse victims on the large scale seen in other countries .
That in turn made it easier for clerical power to trump the worldly kind . Having extended their influence at the expense of purely earthly powers , the theocrats had an interest in keeping geopolitical tension on the boil .
Some factions want only to reform iran 's theocracy , while others ( particularly the younger activists ) want to dismantle supreme clerical rule altogether and establish a parliamentary democracy .
Another contingent is formed by young , successful men and women whose style and theology are conservative : believers in " salvation by tweed alone " , as one clerical wag dubs them .
The clerical elite was scandalised : it towered over the churches , did not speak to god , and reflected " imbecility , bad taste and foolish arrogance " .
Pope benedict , unlike his predecessor , has not ignored the problem of clerical sex abuse and has improved procedures for tackling it .
Newspapers demanded to know if the pope would meet victims of clerical sex abuse .
Alternatively , " pure " clerical power can use its prerogatives ( over sacraments like baptism or marriage or absolution ) to exercise authority over everybody else , including worldly rulers .