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- Civitas asked 162 senior state school teachers whether they would have achieved higher A-level grades if they had been taking today ' s exams rather than the ones they did at school .
- civitas调查了162位高级公立学校的教师,问他们如果参加今天的考试,而不是其学生时代的考试,他们是否会取得更高的a-level考试等级?
- Unfortunately , a disturbing new paper by Ken Coutts and Robert Rowthorn , for the think-tank , Civitas , argues that trends in the UK ' s external position are in the opposite direction .
- 遗憾的是,肯库茨(kencoutts)和罗伯特罗松(robertrowthorn)最近在为智库civitas撰写的一篇令人揪心的文章中表示,英国外部收支却在下降。
- Anastasia de Waal , of the think-tank Civitas , said that in the past , 'for many women , marriage was their identity – you were a wife – but now it 's much more about partnership ' .
- 英国智囊团Civitas的阿纳斯瓦尔说,在过去,“对于许多女人来说,婚姻就是她们的身份,已婚女人的身份就是一个妻子,但现在婚姻更多的是一种伙伴关系”。
- Anastasia de Waal , of the think-tank Civitas , said that in the past , ‘ for many women , marriage was their identity – you were a wife – but now it ’ s much more about partnership ’ .
- 英国智囊团Civitas的阿纳斯塔西娅德瓦尔说,在过去,对于许多女人来说,婚姻就是她们的身份,已婚女人的身份就是一个妻子,但现在婚姻更多的是一种伙伴关系。
- Lewis Mumford the modern American philosopher said : “ The city is a special structure that is dense and compact , which is designed to spread the fruits of human civilization . ” Most text of “ civilization ” in Western world , are derived from the Latin “ Civitas ” ( meaning “ city ”), this is not accidental .
- 美国现代哲学家刘易斯·芒福德说过:城市是一种特殊的构造,这种构造致密而紧凑,专门用来流传人类文明的成果。西方诸多文字中的文明一词,都源自拉丁文的Civitas(意为城市),这并非偶然。
- But an illuminating study published last month by the Civitas think-tank suggests there is more to the improvement than the dumbing down of exams .
- 但civitas上个月公布的一项颇具启发意义的研究显示,考试成绩改善不只是因为考试难度降低了。
- Schools that fail to jump this hurdle may just be the ones that have not played the system smartly enough , says Civitas , a think-tank .
- 一个名为斯维达斯的专家组指出,未达要求的或许只是那些没有灵活应对的学校。
- Anastasia de Waal , deputy director at think-tank Civitas , says the consistent theme is that cyberbullying is very difficult to control and can spread quickly .
- 英国智库Civitas副主任阿纳斯塔西娅德瓦尔(AnastasiadeWaal)说,不变的主题是网络霸凌非常难以控制,且可以迅速传播。
- Anastasia de Waal , deputy director of the Civitas think - tank , said many women were putting off marriage till their 30s to develop their careers .
- 阿纳斯塔西娅是英国智库机构Civitas的副主任,她称许多女性为了事业将婚姻推迟到了30多岁才举行。