
republicanism 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- While republicanism emphasizes the cultivation of citizen public responsibility consciousness , liberalism safeguards the divine position of citizen individual right .
- 共和主义传统强调公民公共责任意识的培育,自由主义传统捍卫公民个体权利的神圣地位。
- Harrington as a 17th century revival of classical republicanism on behalf of one of the many naturally attracted attention once again .
- 哈林顿作为17世纪古典共和主义复兴的代表之一,自然也再次引起众多关注。
- So , in American property law theory , individualism and republicanism , individual advantage and social benefit connect with each other .
- 可见,在近代美国财产法理念中,个人主义与共和主义、个人利益与社会利益总是连接在一起的。
- A unique cultural pattern was formed during the course of American history , which consists of biblical religion , republicanism and individualism .
- 美国在历史进程中形成了自己独特的文化模式,包括圣经宗教、共和主义和个人主义三大要素。
- From January to May 1793 , Marat fought bitterly with the Girondins , whom he believed to be covert enemies of republicanism .
- 1793年1月至5月,马拉和被认为是共和主义秘密敌人的吉伦特派进行着艰苦斗争。
- Here is a stronghold of republicanism .
- 这儿是共和主义运动的据点。
- Secondly , through mediaeval Italian city-state republics and renaissance civic humanism , republicanism became the important intellectual resource of modern political thoughts .
- 然后,从中世纪意大利城市共和国的政治实践和公民人文主义的兴起说明古典共和主义经过这一中介进入近代,成为西方近代国家建设的重要思想资源。
- Propriety , moderation and sense of balance were features of Madison ’ s political theory , these features reflected in his republicanism definitely .
- 分寸、节制与平衡感是麦迪逊思想的一个显著的特色,这种特色十分明确地体现在他的共和主义主张中。
- Her inclination to classical republicanism not only echoes the ancient Greek spirit , but also can be interfused into the contemporary philosophical context .
- 她的古典共和主义的倾向,既与古希腊精神遥遥相应,又切中了由当代现实问题所引发的诸多理论关切。
- The essence of public interest litigation is one kind of civil common deed , and its theoretical basis is civil republicanism other than liberalism .
- 公益诉讼本质上是公民共同行为的有机组成部分,其理论基础是公民共和主义而非自由主义。