


ciprofloxacin 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

It can be a negotiating tactic : america threatened to employ it ( against bayer , again ) to get hold of ciprofloxacin during the anthrax scare of 2001 .
The death rates with azithromycin and levofloxacin were about the same ( earlier studies have linked levofloxacin to abnormal heart rhythms ) , and were higher than the rate with ciprofloxacin .
Among the drugs affected by consumption of grapefruit , orange and apple juices are : etoposide , an anticancer agent ; beta blockers ( atenolol , celiprolol , talinolol ) used to treat high blood pressure and prevent heart attacks ; and certain antibiotics ( ciprofloxacin , levofloxacin , itraconazole ) .
Kohane and colleagues tested their prototype lens with an antibiotic called ciprofloxacin , which is commonly used to treat eye infections . In lab experiments , the contact lens released approximately 134 micrograms of drug each day for 30 days , enough to block bacterial growth for the duration of the study .