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- There are similar pressures in germany , where deutsche bank is mulling taking a minority stake in sal oppenheim jr & cie .
- 德国也有相似的压力,deutsche银行也在考虑持有少量的saloppenheimjr&cie的股份。
- The crisis has " vindicated the traditional swiss model , " says nicolas pictet , a partner at pictet & cie .
- 危机已经“为传统的瑞士模式辩护了”,pictet&cie.的合伙人nicolaspictet说道。
- Some , such as pictet & cie , the swiss bank , insist that their wealth managers offer only the funds of external fund managers .
- 瑞士pictet&cie那样的一些银行,坚持只提供由外部基金管理公司管理的基金产品。
- With the help of financial backers and partners , they both invested their private developments in their own enterprises in mannheim , benz founded the firm benz & cie . In october 1883 , and daimler-motoren-gesellschaft ( dmg ) was formed in november 1890 .
- 在金融支持者和合作伙伴的帮助下,他们所投入的努力都使得各自的企业得到了发展benz于1883年10月在海姆曼地区创建了benz&cie公司,1890年11月戴姆勒发动机工厂(简称dmg)成立了。
- Merger between daimler-motoren-gesellschaft and benz & cie . : The merger poster of 1926 , with the new brand mercedes-benz .
- 戴姆勒发动机工厂和benz&cie公司的合并:1926年的合并海报,以及新品牌名梅赛德斯-奔驰。
- The application of golden section method on road lighting optimization design , cie 26 , 2007.7.4-11 , beijing , china .
- 黄金分割法在道路照明优化设计中的应用,《国际照明委员会第26界大会论文集》。
- It was in this way that the former rivals , dmg and benz & cie . , Formed a syndicate in 1924 in order to standardize design and production , as well as purchasing , sales and advertising , and thereby remain competitive .
- 也就是这样,这对之前的对手,dmg公司和benz&cie,在1924形成了一个集团,以便于标准化设计和生产,以及采购,销售,和广告,从何保持竞争力。
- The establishing and the characters of the cie standard colorimetric system are introduced in the paper .
- 介绍了cie标准色度学系统的建立,特点。
- Competitive intelligence education ( cie ) increasingly shows its importance and urgency .
- 竞争情报教育问题日益显出其重要性与紧迫性。