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- And , with it , dick rutan and jeana yeager had joined the list of the world 's greatest fliers .
- 并且,凭借着它,dickrutan和jeanayeager成功跻身于世界上最伟大的飞行员之列。
- Dick and jeana had been so busy trying to fly around bad weather and mountains that they had forgotten to watch the oil level .
- dick和jeana已经在和坏天气和群山的搏斗中手忙脚乱,以至于他们居然忘记了去看油料平衡表。
- Dick , burt and jeana received no government money . Instead , they got small amounts of money from lots of different people .
- dick,burt和jeana没有受到政府的资助,不过他们却从许多不同的人那里得到了小额的捐款。
- But three people had lead parts in the event . Dick rutan . Burt rutan . And jeana yeager .
- 但是,其中有三个人在这一活动中发挥了领导作用dickrutan、burtrutan以及jeanayeager。
- Then he changed places with jeana for short periods .
- 这之后,他和jeana交换了位置,休息一小段时间。
- Jeana young and beautiful , sending up of a youth enticing flavor .
- 让娜年轻美丽,散发出一股诱人的青春气息。
- But suoyi anyway consent to nan fung and rahim married , jeana beautiful lady puzzled , guess what certainly has confidential deceive everyone .
- 但是索宜无论如何不肯同意楠凤和拉辛结婚,让娜丽夫人迷惑不解,猜测一定有什么机密瞒着大家。
- Dick and jeana thought they could fly it .
- dick和jeana认为他们可以驾驶它。