

chronologically 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The upanishads are chronologically the latest portions of the vedas , the sacred texts of hinduism .
- 奥义书是按时间顺序的吠陀的最新部分,印度教的神圣文本。
- Some 100 paintings , drawings and lithographs are arranged broadly chronologically .
- 展览按年代顺序广泛地展出了100多幅绘画、素描和石版画。
- Arranged chronologically , many of these bags are imaginative , witty and charming .
- 按年代摆放的这许多包充满想象、智慧和魅力。
- How to organize your files and photos chronologically .
- 如何组织您的文件按年代。
- The easiest way to understand this stuff is to go chronologically .
- 理解这些东西的最简单方法就是翻黄历。
- And now that I am chronologically a middle-aged adult , I still feel like a kid , as though I haven 't really grown up .
- 现在的我从年龄上来说已经是一个中年人了,但仍觉得自己是个小孩儿,就好像从未真正长大过。
- The pieces of artwork by each artist were displayed chronologically in the museum .
- 每位艺术家的作品按照年代陈列在艺术馆中。
- The baroque rose and fell at different times from country to country , and the exhibition is arranged thematically rather than chronologically .
- 巴洛克艺术风格的兴起和衰落时间在各个国家有所不同,而此次展览也是按照主题、而不是时间来安排的。
- But the roman religious officials in charge of minding the calendar had been asleep at the switch , chronologically speaking .
- 但纵观来看,罗马负责日历事务的宗教官员就是在玩忽职守。
- In this case , sorting by the attribute name or key does not sort calendar months chronologically .
- 在此情况下,按属性名或键进行的排序将不会按时间顺序对日历月份进行排序。