Through the novels of james fenimore cooper , chronicler of the american frontier , european russians knew more about american expansion than about their own far east .
The capital 's most famous and still unparalleled chronicler is charles dickens .
Time has called tom hanks america 's chronicler in chief ; sacramento state can call him their most famous dropout .
The historical scholar and historical chronicler also appeared in the late of the southern dynasties .
Literary critics labeled him the chronicler of his generation who explored issues such as sex , divorce and postwar small town life in the united states with an erudite and evocative style .
There 's a reason that james sully , that early chronicler of wrongness , took illusions as both the title of his book and the template for all other forms of error .
Partially reversing that transformation making bankers gentlemanly again , to steal a phrase from city chronicler and critic philip augar will not be easy , or happen on its own .
She had been the most sensitive and thorough chronicler of the genocide but , as an increasingly vocal critic of mr kagame 's human-rights record , she was banned last year , her death barely marked in kigali .