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- Choppin suggested that the lower ground force was probably due to the relative lack of muscle in an amputee 's leg .
- 肖邦认为,较低的蹬地力量可能是因为截肢者的腿部肌肉相对缺乏所致。
- Simon choppin , a sports engineer at sheffield hallam university , said the pistorius controversy rested on whether his prosthetics increased the efficiency of his limbs , allowing him to achieve higher speeds for less effort .
- 英国谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学(sheffieldhallamuniversity)的运动工程师西蒙肖邦(simonchoppin)表示,皮斯托瑞斯的争议在于他的义肢是否提高了他四肢的效率,从而让他以更小的努力获得更高的速度。