
v.珍爱( cherish的过去式和过去分词 );怀有;爱护;抚育
cherished 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- So much for the innovation stereotypes so cherished in the west !
- 创新就只有这么些个西方所珍爱的的定势!
- In the event his cherished unions are performing more out of duty than rage .
- 在此情况下他珍爱的工会是出于责任而不是愤怒去运作。
- Daily naps : one cherished custom of ikarians is the mid-day siesta or afternoon nap .
- 每日小睡:伊卡瑞亚岛居民的一个珍爱的习俗是中午午睡或在下午打个盹。
- You drop your most cherished clothes at the dry cleaner , and they 're ticketed , thrown into a massive pile of garments and whisked away .
- 你把最珍爱的衣服拿去干洗店干洗,这些衣服被标好标签,和一大堆衣服裹在一起被收走。
- At the same time , justice needs to be seen to be done to avoid disaffection among rebel fighters who sacrificed much and will soon be asked to give up cherished weapons .
- 与此同时,为了防止那些做出巨大牺牲、不久将按照要求放下珍爱武器的反对派战士出现不满,正义必须得到伸张。
- " If you ask people to remember their most cherished experiences of their whole life , elevatory moments are likely to feature in their top five , " says haidt .
- haidt说:“如果你问人们他们整个人生中最为珍爱的经历,那么振奋的瞬间一定在他们数出来的前五个的。”
- For millions of europeans , modest salaries and high taxes have been offset by the benefits of their cherished social model - a cradle-to-grave safety net which , in the recent boom years , seemed to grow more generous all the time .
- 对欧洲数百万的民众来说,收入虽然不高,还要交高昂的赋税,曾经他们珍爱的社会保障体系给他们带来各种福利,特别是最近经济繁荣发展的几年,政府一直对民众慷慨有加。
- The christmas episode-in which the hero forgives his lady 's dalliance with a turk , and a valet is condemned for murder-beat " eastenders " , a cherished soap opera of the modern working class , in the ratings .
- 圣诞节播出的那一集在这一集里,男主角原谅了他夫人与一位土耳其人的调情,而一位贴身男仆则被判谋杀在收视率上超过了现代工薪阶层的一部珍爱的肥皂剧《伦敦东区人》。
- It would be your dad 's most cherished gift ever .
- 这个礼物可能会成为你父亲最珍爱的一个。
- They had surviving reserves of insecurity and cherished a historical sense of victimhood .
- 他们仍有不安全感并怀有历史上受害者的感觉。