Two people cycling along using energy from cheeseburgers is equivalent to those same people sharing a ride in an efficient car .
Only in australia ...... do people order double cheeseburgers , largefries and a diet coke .
They want cheeseburgers , lotto , and television .
Chris christie , the republican candidate for governor of new jersey , is meeting voters at a restaurant in monmouth junction that serves colossal bacon cheeseburgers .
The 2010 food safety modernization act , for which rules finally were drafted last week , is inarguably a victory for those of us who want to eat our spinach salads and cheeseburgers without the worry of ingesting deadly foodborne bacteria .
Still , it 's worth asking if this brand of design actually has the power to modify behavior -- to coax people away from their cheeseburgers and their pork loins and to convince them instead to suck down tofu !
One obvious way to alleviate this problem is to tax the things that are causing it : when governments are having to strengthen their ambulances to cope with heavier patients , it is time for a levy on cheeseburgers .