This is a polite song about a murderous psychopath , cheerfully killing his prom date .
But in fact a great many men will cheerfully face impoverishment if they can thereby secure complete ruin for their rivals .
Cheerfully , gates described the dizzy whirlwind of his current life : he is making documentaries about blacks in latin america , writing books , editing a website and sitting on assorted boards .
Last monday , at the beginning of class , I cheerfully asked my students how their weekend had been .
Shelves have been stripped bare to make room for toys and games , as a sign dangling from the ceiling cheerfully announces .
Over in london , it is quite unusual to meet a hyperactive 60-year-old who is still building a new career and cheerfully planning for future decades .
Urban joblessness is falling and low-paying companies are being forced to seek workers far afield or to move to less developed regions , he adds cheerfully .