Some experts think this will involve a more european approach , which they characterise as focusing on protecting particular competitors rather than protecting competition .
So many catastrophic events have struck the world in the past few weeks that a new phrase " black swan fatigue " has been coined to characterise the market reaction .
But he says a bigger trial is needed to properly characterise the effect and is planning one in the near future .
Both characterise the strategy thus : negotiate hard , then accept the final deal for the sake of preserving influence in future negotiations .
Wounds characterise ms horn in another way .
Earlier in the crisis , it was thought that greater divergence would characterise the euro zone of the future .
Then there is the web ontology language ( owl ) , which provides a way to characterise objects .
It depends on the mix of investment strategies that characterise the market .
Such features characterise all state - provided or regulated insurance , from motor insurance to healthcare , and including deposit insurance .
Burning thousands of litres of rocket fuel every second and blasting superheated gas into the water-filled trench beneath the pad , the engines will kick up the vast gouts of steam and smoke that characterise a rocket launch .