
[sɛnˈtʊrɪən, -ˈtjʊr-]

centurion 变化形式
复数: centurions
易混淆的单词: Centurion
centurion 百夫长
来自词根cent, 百。指古罗马管一百人的军官。
centurion 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers , unless these men remain in the ship , you cannot be saved .
- 保罗对百夫长和兵丁说,这些人若不留在船上,你们必不能得救。
- 1 Paul said to the centurion and the soldiers , unless these men remain in the ship , you cannot be saved .
- 1保罗对百夫长和兵丁说,这些人若不留在船上,你们必不能得救。
- When jesus had entered capernaum , a centurion came to him , asking for help .
- 耶稣进了迦百农,有一个百夫长进前来,求他说。
- And when jesus entered capernaum , a centurion came to him , imploring him .
- 耶稣进了迦百农、有一个百夫长进前来、求他说。
- They were willing to come and plead for the centurion .
- 他们愿意来为百夫长求情。
- Paul said to the centurion and to the soldiers , except these abide in the ship , ye cannot be saved .
- 保罗对百夫长和兵丁说,这些人若不等在船上,你们必不能得救。
- Probably about 160 at carthage , being the son of a centurion in the proconsular service .
- 大概有160迦太基,在地方总督服务的一个百夫长的儿子。
- And when he had entered into capharnaum , there came to him a centurion , beseeching him .
- 耶稣进了葛法翁,有一位百夫长来到他跟前,求他说。
- Now when the centurion saw what had happened , he glorified god , saying , certainly this man was righteous .
- 百夫长看见所发生的事,就荣耀神说,这真是个义人。
- Suddenly the fly finds itself pinned-under a downpour , of glue , as if in a roman centurion 's net .
- 突然间苍蝇发现它自己被倾盆而下的粘胶粘住身子,犹如落入古罗马军团百夫长的网罩中。