Cen 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- A few years ago , when I worked on hubble , I looked into using it to search for planets around alpha cen .
- 几年前,我曾有机会使用哈勃望远镜进行工作,当时我注意到几项涉及到关于半人马α行星的研究。
- In the sphere of organization , ensure democracy under cen tralized guidance .
- 在组织上,厉行集中指导下的民主生活。
- Our enemy is probably still cherishing fond dreams of emulating the mongol conquest of the sung dynasty , the manchu conquest of the ming dynasty , the british occupation of north america and india , the latin occupation of cen tral and south america , etc.
- 我们的敌人大概还在那里做元朝灭宋、清朝灭明、英占北美和印度、拉丁系国家占中南美等等的好梦。
- Cen biotech also has a subsidiary in michigan , and chaaban is scouting locations for a u.s. manufacturing facility . "
- CENBiotech也在密歇根设立了子公司,而查班正在为美国的生产工厂物色地址。
- Alawieh has licensed rxnb 's technology to cen biotech , an offshoot of the publicly traded company creative edge nutrition , based just outside of detroit .
- 阿拉维将RXNB的技术授权给了CENBiotech,它是底特律市外的公开上市公司CreativeEdgeNutrition的分公司。
- The cutlery removed from the woman 's stomach photo : cen
- 从那个女人的胃取出来的餐具图片来源:cen
- Please book it under the name of miss cen .
- 请以岑小姐的名义预订。
- Please book it under the name of miss . Cen .
- 请以岑小姐的名义预定。
- In fact , omega cen may be the remnant core of a small galaxy merging with the milky way .
- 实际上,这个星团可能是与银河系融合在一起的小星系的残核?