ceci 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Thank you for taking care of Ceci yesterday .
- 谢谢你昨天照顾莎茜。
- As a result of his research , Ceci concluded that the specific skills measured on intelligence tests and the processes underlying intelligence test performance are taught and learned in school .
- 根据他的研究,发现智商测验题目中的特殊技能和潜在能力可以在学校里被教授训练。
- What did you do to Ceci ?
- 你对希干什么了?
- Universities have been largely inflexible about anything other than the standard time table , which is you kill yourself for years and only then would you consider getting pregnant , said Wendy Williams , a human development professor at Cornell who co-authored the study with her husband , Stephen Ceci .
- 康奈尔大学的人类发展学教授温迪威廉姆斯和她的丈夫斯蒂芬赛西共同撰写了这一研究报告。她说:大学除了课程设置比较灵活外,其他很多方面都很僵化,也就是说,你要熬很多年才能得到稳定职位,才能考虑怀孕生子。
- The firs step to knowledge is to know that we are ignorant . & Ceci
- 走向知识的第一步是要知道自己的无知。&塞西尔
- A process whose formulation is in some sense given by Ceci n\'est pas un pipe .
- 这不是一只烟斗》给我们带来了感官感受的精确表达之过程。
- A new viewpoint on intelligence : a critical introduction of ceci \' s bioecological model of intelligence
- 一种新的智力观&塞西的智力生物生态学模型述评
- Williams and Ceci analyzed data about the academic careers of men and women with and without children .
- 威廉姆斯和赛西分析了男性和女性(有孩子和没孩子)的学术生涯相关资料。