" Your boyfriend is a caveman , " may have been a compliment to some ancient humans .
A new sort of timeline spontaneously evolves : an illustration of a monkey walking behind a caveman walking behind a human , still regarded by modern journalists as the first infographic .
Also called the caveman diet , the paleolithic diet is a nurtritional plan based on what human species ate about 2.5 million years ago : fish , animals , plants .
For this incredible photostory , I 've come back to french photographer eric valli , whose work I previously showed you in extreme living : going caveman in america .
What followed were dozens of headlines from international news organizations declaring that a " gay caveman " had been found .
Caveman 's belly is one of the drawbacks of modern stone age life , not something they ever mentioned in the flintstones . I can 't understand how they could have left it out : with so little else to do , answering the call of nature is one of the big events of the day around here .