[ˈkevɪˌæt, ˈkævɪ-, ˈkɑvɪˌɑt]
caveat 变化形式
复数: caveats
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- Another caveat is that for all its recent progress , latin america remains a long way from enjoying widespread affluence .
- 另外一个警告是:尽管拉美最近进步不小,但是拉美离广泛的富裕还很遥远。
- One caveat : like many boutique hotels our room had a sexy shower but lacked a bathtub .
- 有一个警告,像很多精品旅店一样,我们的房间里面有一个性感的淋浴,却没有浴缸。
- There is one caveat to this , he noted : it focuses on assets and liabilities of companies within the united states .
- 对这点他有一个警告,他提醒说:这关注的是美国境内企业的资产和负债。
- There are encouraging signs in the march jobs report , but for each hopeful development , there is a caveat .
- 三月份的就业报告出现了一些鼓舞人心的迹象,但是对于每一个好的发展,还是要注意警告提示。
- As I have written before , that 's quite a caveat .
- 正如我以前所写,那确实是个警告。
- Caveat : if you started a blog about how you 're getting out of debt that could grow into a very nice business .
- 警告:如果你建立了一个描述你是如何一步步走出负债的博客,这可能会成长为一个很棒的商业。
- Caveat to lesson no.1 : extreme valuations are sometimes hard to recognize .
- 第1课警告:极端估值有时很难辨认。
- But this caveat should not cloud the central issue : a coup in a region which has shed authoritarianism should not be allowed to stand .
- 但是该警告不该模糊了核心问题:在被独裁主义遮蔽的地区发动的政变是不允许存在的。
- Caveat : the study 's small size and selection of generally healthy subjects may limit its relevance to other elderly adults .
- 警告:研究的规模较小,选取的对象身体比较健康,这也许会减少研究结果和老年人的相关性。
- The second caveat is that the history of this new business medium is still being - written .
- 第二个警告是,这种新商业媒介的历史仍未盖棺定论。