
Castillo 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Stephen castillo is one of them .
- stephencastillo就是其中之一。
- Investigator ricardo mancillas castillo said he had not encountered a threat against internet users in his four years based in nuevo laredo .
- 研究员里卡多米恩萨拉斯卡斯蒂略(ricardomancillascastillo)说,四年里在新拉雷多(nuevolaredo)还没有遇到过针对网民的威胁。
- This month mr castillo 's office arrested 16 municipal policemen on suspicion of working with a local criminal gang called " the hand with eyes " .
- 这个月castillo的部门逮捕了16个警察,他们被怀疑与当地称作“眼之手”(thehandwitheye)的犯罪组织有关。
- Alfredo castillo , his opposite number in mexico state , points out that the homicide rate there is lower still .
- 他在墨西哥州的同行alfredocastillo也指出,他所在地区的凶杀率更低。
- Other electricity firms agree : rodrigo castillo , the head of the industry association , says the country is living through a " transmission crisis " of tight supply and high costs .
- 另一家电力公司对此表示同意:电力企业联合会负责人卡斯蒂约说国家处在传输危机之中,能源的供应紧张,成本高昂。
- Come to the opening of the new malo store , come celebrate bally 's book , bally since 1851 ; come to sergio rossi designer edmundo castillo 's housewarming .
- 来参加malo新店开幕式吧,来庆祝bally的新书《1851年以来的bally》(ballysince1851)出版吧;来庆祝sergiorossi设计师埃德蒙多卡斯蒂略(edmundocastillo)乔迁之喜吧。
- People watch the view from the lighthouse at morro castle ( castillo de los tres reyes magos del morro ) in havana october 10 , 2009 .
- 哈瓦那-莫罗城堡(morrocastle)的灯塔上人们正在俯瞰全城2009年10月10日。
- When hector siliezar visited the ancient mayan city of chichen itza with his wife and kids in 2009 , he snapped three iphone photos of el castillo , a pyramid that once served as a sacred temple to the mayan god kukulkan .
- 在2009年当hectorsiliezar与他的妻子和孩子们参观了古老的玛雅城市古罗马斗兽场,他给这座金字塔羽蛇神殿拍了3章苹果的快照,一个金字塔曾担任过一个神圣的庙宇kukulkan玛雅神。
- On august 30 , an argentine entrepreneur named jorge castillo will present a huge new mall near the western wine capital of mendoza .
- 8月30日,阿根廷一位名叫豪尔赫•卡斯蒂略的企业家将在靠近西部酒都门多萨的地方推介一个新的大型购物商场。
- The mendoza mall in argentina , which castillo says will have 5,000 stalls within a year , is just miles from chile and its millions of consumers .
- 卡斯蒂略说,在阿根廷的门多萨商场将在1年内达到5000个摊位的规模,它离智利和智利的数百万消费者只有几英里远。