
cashiers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In 2010 conservatives fulminated when panda hired female cashiers for its saudi hypermarkets ; a year later the government announced plans to create 1.5m retail jobs for women .
- 2010年保守人士猛烈抨击了panda在其沙特大型超市中雇用女出纳员的做法;一年之后政府公布计划为妇女创造150万个零售工作岗位。
- But the only bahamians in sight are waiters , croupiers and cashiers .
- 但那里的巴哈马人都是些服务生、赌台管理,还有收银员。
- At the supermarket where the lines are long and there aren 't many cashiers to check customers out .
- 在超市,队伍排的长,没有许多的收银员给顾客结帐。
- At the ubiquitous convenience stores throughout japan , cashiers now ask if customers need chopsticks rather than sticking them into checkout bags by default .
- 在遍布日本的便利店中,柜员现在会询问顾客是否需要筷子,而不是直接将它们放在结账袋里。
- Cashiers - who handle far more receipts than the general population - had the highest prenatal bpa concentrations in their urine at 2.8 micrograms per gram .
- 收银员,接触到收据的机会远远超出一般人,其尿液中bpa的浓度最高,达到了2.8微克每克。