Repair of holes in the carriageway , cycle track and footpath will be completed within 24 hours after receipt of a complaint .
Reuters quoted the police said that new york , on several occasions to warn demonstrators in brooklyn bridge path , but some protesters formed a human chain onto the road to brooklyn bound carriageway of the action taken by the arrest .
Pedestrians waiting to cross such streets often obstruct the pavements , and some may even be forced to walk on the carriageway .
Provision of slip road connecting lower shing mun road and the northbound carriageway of t3 road ( improvement plan )
When engineers began monitoring traffic on a dual carriageway outside london , and compared it with traffic on roads inside the city of london , they discovered regular use of jammers , with 10 incidents per day by some roads .
A trickle of trucks flows along its single-lane carriageway , which stretches for less than 1km ( barely half a mile ) .
On a two-lane carriageway , drive in the left-hand lane except when overtaking .
But on the outskirts of the city , just off a busy dual carriageway , is the collection of low-rise , landscape-gardened buildings that make up the cambridge science park .