
carcinomas 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Recent advances in molecular technology have focused on invasion and metastasis of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas .
- 近年来,在头颈鳞状细胞癌侵袭和转移方面的分子水平研究成为头颈鳞癌研究的重点和热点之一。
- Objective to identify the specific protein markers involved in primary focus and liver metastasis of human colorectal carcinomas , and explore the relationship between such proteins and liver metastasis .
- 结论结直肠癌原发灶及其肝转移灶蛋白质组表达有显著差异,一些差异蛋白与结直肠癌的肝转移相关。
- Morphologic characteristics of chernobyl-related childhood papillary thyroid carcinomas are independent of radiation exposure but vary with iodine intake .
- 黑钙土相关的儿童甲状腺乳头状癌的形态学特征不依赖于放射线暴露但与碘摄入水平有关。
- So it is important significance that through the changing of portal vein blood flowing diagnosis the late upper bile duct carcinomas .
- 所以门静脉血流改变在诊断高位胆管癌方面具有重要意义。
- Many papillary carcinomas contain follicular elements , but this does not alter the basic biology of the tumor .
- 许多乳头状癌含有滤泡成分,但这并不改变肿瘤的基本生物学特征。
- Methods : dot blot hybridization was used to test the presence and expression of bhrf1 in the cells of undifferential , low grade , high grade nasopharyngeal carcinomas ( npc ) and the efficacy of radiotherapy on the patients was observed .
- 方法:利用斑点杂交技术检测鼻咽未分化癌、低分化及高分化鳞癌中BHRF1的存在和表达情况,并且观察患者对放疗的效果。
- Research progress of antiangiogenic effects of metronomic chemotherapy combined with chinese herbs on carcinomas .
- 低剂量化疗联合中药抗血管生成作用的研究进展。
- This , however , does not prevent carcinomas from developing in sharks .
- 然而,这并不能阻止癌细胞在鲨鱼身上的生长。
- Oat cell carcinomas occur almost exclusively in smokers .
- 燕麦细胞癌几乎只发生于吸烟者。
- Patients with serious carcinomas have a poorer survival .
- 浆液性癌的病人生存率很低。