

cany 变化形式
易混淆的单词: CANY
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- How cany good you say that ?
- 你怎样不妨这样说?
- So far , the authorities have been cautious , says alain cany , hsbc 's chief in vietnam .
- 汇丰银行越南区总裁简毅伦(alaincany)说:到现在为止,权力机构一直是非常谨慎的。
- I hereas rich - so I cany kind of buy myself lots of nice things .
- 我很阔绰,所以我能给自身买很多好东西。
- He cany speak english very well .
- 他英语讲得很好。
- Cany good I help you ?
- 我能帮您忙吗?
- Cany good you write in english ?
- 你能用英文写文章吗?
- She cany speak english very welland too .
- 她英语也讲得很好。
- How cany good I improve my oken english ?
- 我该怎样才能提高口语水平?
- We cany kind of see the lake from our bed window .
- 从卧室的窗口能够看见那湖。
- Then they are old , old must go motionless way , the old couple lay on cany chair leisurely basking in the evening sun .
- 后来他们老了,老得走不动路了,老两口躺在藤椅上悠闲地晒着傍晚的太阳。