

Cain 变化形式
易混淆的单词: CAINcain

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- Cain and abel were brothers the children of our first parents .
- 该隐和亚伯(abel)是兄弟人类第一对夫妇的孩子。
- Herman cain repeated his earlier statement that he would not be comfortable with a muslim in his cabinet .
- 赫尔曼该隐重申了他早些时候的发言,他不会在有穆斯林的内阁感到舒适。
- Cain also becomes the founder of a city , which he names after his son enoch .
- 该隐亦成为这个城市的创始人,以他儿子的名字命名,叫伊诺克。
- But , past gen. 4:26 there is no more mention of cain 's children or his line .
- 但是,旧创世纪4:26中再也没有提到该隐的子嗣或是他的家族。
- Then the lord asks cain , " where is your brother abel ? "
- 后来,耶和华问该隐,“你弟弟亚伯在哪里?”
- Cain , being the jealous type decided to take matters into his own hands .
- 该隐在嫉妒心的驱使下决定自己掌控事态。
- " Cain " was the name of a biblical man and a place .
- “该隐”是一个圣经人物的名字,也是一个地名。
- Cain is mentioned in the bible as having a number of legitimate children , with an unnamed woman / wife .
- 在圣经中记载了该隐和一个无名的女人/妻子有了一些合法的子嗣。
- Having killed his brother , cain goes on to found the world 's first city and name it after his son enoch .
- 该隐杀弟之后,离开出生地并建造了世界上第一座城,以他的儿子以诺命名。
- When god showed his preference for abel 's sacrifice , his brother cain became envious and killed him .
- 当上帝对亚伯表现出偏爱时,他的兄弟该隐出于妒忌杀死了他。