

n.土音(尤指爱尔兰人讲英语时的土腔),(旧时爱尔兰人穿的)粗革皮鞋( brogue的名词复数 )

brogues 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Have you polished my new brogues valerie ?
Blair is due to officially resign as prime minister on wednesday , and will appear at prime ministers questions in the house of commons for one final time , likely in his lucky brogues .
Oversize watches are a great alternative to a cuff or bangle , and menswearinspired shoes offer a quirky touch . Spectator pumps , loafers and brogues are big trends in footwear this season , and are bound to make your feet feel good too .
Blair is due to officially resign as prime minister on wednesday , and will appear at prime minister 's questions in the house of commons for one final time , likely in his lucky brogues .