boldness 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- But his boldness has logic .
- 不过他这么大胆是有道理的。
- History will look favourably on the boldness of america 's response .
- 历史将对美国的大胆应对做出积极的评价。
- With enough boldness and grit , mr hollande could now reform france .
- 奥朗德先生拥有足够勇气和决心,现在能够开始改革法国。
- Yet even some of mr papandreou 's backers think he lacks boldness .
- 然而,甚至帕潘德里欧先生的一些支持者认为他缺乏勇气。
- He certainly has the charm , brains and boldness for the role .
- 魅力,智慧,勇气,那个角色所需要的这一切他当然都具备啦。
- Mr miliband 's boldness involved not candour but speed .
- 米利班德的大胆与坦率无关,而是速度。
- Surgery is a love-affair with boldness and precision .
- 外科手术则是大胆和精准的风流韵事。
- The seeming boldness of world leaders a year ago was a product of the moment .
- 世界领导人一年前表面上的大胆,是当时形势的产物。
- The explanation is that the bail-out was a moment of unusual resolution and boldness .
- 对此的解释就是,那次救市是个不同寻常的决断和大胆的瞬间。
- It needed several years and the boldness of einstein to take the necessary step forward and say that time and space are connected .
- 爱因斯坦迈出这必要的一步,宣称时间和空间是相联系的还需要数年的时间和勇气。