Preheat the oven to 350f . Set a kettle of water to boil .
Place one cup of milk in the saucepan , slowly bringing the milk to a boil while stirring constantly .
One cold night he fell asleep for half an hour by the furnace used to boil the juice from the sugar cane .
If you wish to freeze , boil or steam the leaves first , then simply re-heat them when needed .
Boil it for a few minutes to make it soft , and chop it up really small .
Another alternative is to put the lobster in cold salt water and then very slowly bring it up to a full boil .
Although liquids do boil in a vacuum , your blood is kept under pressure by your circulatory system and would be just fine .
The ultimate goal is to bring the reactors to a state of " cold shutdown " , where the uranium at the core can no longer boil off the water that is used as the coolant .