
n.保镖,卫士,警卫员( bodyguard的名词复数 )
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- Afghan officials say wali karzai was killed on tuesday , likely by one of his bodyguards .
- 阿富汗官员说,瓦利.卡尔扎伊星期二可能被自己的一名保镖枪杀。
- Give bodyguards to your most valuable mages . During an assassination attempt up to 5 bodyguards will fight alongside the mage against the assassin .
- 为你最珍贵的法师们配备护卫,在遭遇刺杀时将最多可以有5个护卫和他一起战斗对抗刺客。
- But one of his loyal bodyguards leaped out from hiding and thrust his sword deep into the side of the brave knowing-one .
- 但是他一位忠诚的护卫从隐蔽处跳出来把他的剑深深地刺进了勇敢的先知的胁里。
- For many rich families , the other part of the solution is bodyguards lots of them .
- 对许多富人家庭而言,另一部分应对之策是保镖人数众多的保镖。
- He became prime minister in 1984 after his mother , indira gandhi , was assassinated by her sikh bodyguards .
- 1984年,因拉吉夫的母亲英迪拉甘地被她的锡克教保镖暗杀,他成为印度总理。
- Many politicians travel with large parties of official or private bodyguards .
- 很多政客会有一大帮职员和私人保镖去旅行。
- His exact whereabouts have been unknown since late 2001 , when he and some bodyguards slipped out of the tora bora mountains after evading air strikes , special forces and afghan militias .
- 自从2001年晚些时候躲开空袭和特种部队以及阿富汗民兵的追捕后,本61拉登和一些护卫逃离托拉博拉山区,至今下落不明。
- Head of the king 's bodyguards ? That must keep you busy .
- 作为国王的侍卫队队长一定很忙的.
- Eight bodyguards linked hands to form a human wall between wang and photographers and reporters so she could enter the building .
- 八名保镳手牵手组成人墙,隔开龚如心和摄影师,让她可以走进法庭。
- Moe greene said to his bodyguards , " draw some chips for all these people so that they can gamble on the house . "
- 莫-格林对他的保嫖说:“给这几个人掏出一些筹码,让他们回家去赌博。”