
bodegas 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- 2004 Bodegas riojanas monte real reserva $ 20
- 2004BodegasRiojanasMonteRealReserva,20美元/瓶
- He disliked bars and bodegas .
- 他不喜欢酒吧和酒馆。
- We went to distant neighborhoods to buy vegetables because the ones they sold in our bodegas were hardly edible .
- 我们跑到很远以外的社区买菜,因为我们这边酒窖里卖的菜根本不能吃。
- In a neighborhood where some traditional businesses such as bodegas are struggling , square has been pitched as a straightforward , low cost way to start taking card payments .
- 对于一些奄奄一息的酒窖和类似传统商户,square的简单快捷、成本低廉无疑给他们带来了一线生机。