
n.会议室,交换场所( boardroom的名词复数 )
boardrooms 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Corporate america is using these bonds to shift millions of dollars of tax liabilities from their boardrooms into your living room .
- 美国企业正利用这些债券将董事局应承担的数百万美元的税务责任转移到你身上。
- The significance of the bid , the biggest in a wave of mergers and acquisitions in the sector , reaches beyond investment bankers and boardrooms .
- 作为本轮行业并购热潮中最大的动作,这项收购案的影响范围决不限于投资银行家和这两家集团的董事会成员。
- On one occasion , a person familiar with the matter says , mr. lewis in 1999 introduced a weapon familiar in boardrooms but alien to monarchs : market research .
- 一位知情人士说,路易斯曾在1999年引入了一个为公司董事会熟悉但王室感到陌生的工具:市场研究。
- The mere demands from financial market participants and corporate boardrooms for more money and plenty of it do not make out the case .
- 单凭金融市场参与者和公司董事会对货币的需求,并不能构成制定相关政策的理由。
- Women saw little advancement in corporate boardrooms and compensation in 2010 , extending a 5-year trend in which companies have lagged in promoting and mentoring of women to their own detriment , according to a new study released on monday .
- 周一发布的一项新调查显示,2010年公司董事会中女性所占比例和女性劳动报酬几乎没有任何增长。
- In spite of ongoing unhappiness in boardrooms about the " tyranny " of quarterly reporting , no executive is under any illusion about the consequences of failing to hit the numbers .
- 尽管董事会对季度报告的“苛求”始终感到不悦,但没有哪位高管会对不能达到目标的后果抱有幻想。
- Confidence in boardrooms is almost back to 2007 levels .
- 公司董事会的信心重新回到了2007年的水平。
- Some of these trends are causing anxiety in defence ministries of asian neighbours and boardrooms of us multinationals .
- 其中的一些趋势,在亚洲邻国的国防部以及美国跨国企业的董事会里,正引发人们的焦虑。
- Of course , financial services and boardrooms are completely different .
- 当然,金融服务业和企业管理层的情况与此截然不同。
- Since then , some progress has been made in populating the upper ranks and the boardrooms with qualified , talented women .
- 自那以来,才堪大任的女性在占据高管职位和董事会席位方面取得了一些进步。