Philippine foreign secretary blas ople said on the 9th that philippine has signed the " u.s. - philippine mutual defense treaty " . Hence , when u.s. makes a request , arroyo will agree to allow use philippine air space and facilities .
All that said , cohen wonders if maybe , when you 've been in this job for longer than two months , you 'll become as blas é about the noise as your more seasoned colleague is . "
Unlike during the political gridlock in 2011 when the u.s. lost its stellar credit rating from standard & poor 's , some lawmakers ( republicans , in particular ) have been downright blas é about it all this time around .
But handler is blas é about her power-player status .
Why are you being so blas ?
One becomes so blas about the wonders of the world .
On the northern , caribbean coast , visitors should head to the san blas islands for white sand beaches , diving and to meet indigenous tribes such as the kuna , advises barber .