
Westchester 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- About all I could do was ask trent lott not to be too hard on her and offer to be hillary 's caseworker for westchester county .
- 我能做的只有请特伦特洛特对她不要那么严厉,并主动请缨做希拉里在韦斯切斯特县的办案员。
- In 1934 , a westchester stockbroker , bill wilson , promised his wife he 'd never drink again .
- 1934年美国西切斯特的证券经纪人比尔威尔逊向妻子保证以后滴酒不沾。
- Traffic report says the bridge is backed up to westchester .
- 路况报告说桥上大塞车。
- He will be back home in westchester county in the days to come .
- 他将会在隔天回到他在美国西部。
- Greater westchester homeowners association v. los angeles .
- 参见“大西敏寺住房者协会诉洛杉矾”。
- New york reptile expo , westchester county center , corner of central park avenue and tarrytown road .
- 纽约爬虫类世博会,威彻斯特县中心,中央公园大道和塔里敦路口。
- But when andy spano ran for county executive in westchester county , n.y. , he put every press release and position paper onto a bulletin board .
- 但是当andyspano跑遍威彻斯特县时,n.y.他把每个新闻稿和位置图都钉在了公告板上。
- " Jordan 's going to play in the tournament to-morrow , " explained daisy , " over at westchester . "
- “乔丹明天要去参加锦标赛,”黛西解释道,“在威斯彻斯特那边。”
- In new york , gov. andrew cuomo said again this week that the 40-year-old indian point nuclear power plant in westchester county , 35 miles north of new york city , should be closed .
- 在纽约,州长安德鲁科莫这个礼拜再次提起,位于纽约城35英里以北,威彻斯特郡的40年的印点(indianpoint)核电站应该关闭。
- But with his girlfriend and children already living near new york city , the younger mr. cuomo , who becomes governor in january , plans to keep a home base in suburban westchester county .
- 小科莫于一月份当选为纽约州州长,因为他的女朋友和孩子们都住在纽约市附近,因此,这位新任州长就打算把家安在韦斯特切斯特县(westchestercounty)的郊区;。