Ohio isn 't just ground zero in the electoral college . It 's also an epicenter for one of the biggest ad binges in history .
America 's first family has its share of parenting headaches with george bush 's twin daughters acting out their resentment at his chosen career with underage drinking binges and other escapades .
When monetary conditions in the rich world are loose , emerging economies are prone to lending binges and asset bubbles .
When other states were on building and borrowing binges , louisiana sat on the sidelines .
It can also provide accountability by forcing you to report any mistakes or shopping binges .
What is needed instead is a way of catching people like mr cummings before they go on their " optimistic " binges .
What are some healthful ways to boost your emotional state without resorting to cigarettes , alcohol , food binges , credit card abuse , or anything else with negative consequences ?
A survey by sweden 's national institute of public health asked how often drinking sessions turned into binges ( defined as one person drinking a whole bottle of wine or more ) .