Only once did he allow the furniture connection to spook him - when his own wife was at the same hospital having emergency surgery for a ruptured ectopic pregnancy , and his young daughter happened to climb onto the bereavement seat .
The dsm committee removed the bereavement exclusion - a small , almost footnote at the bottom of the section that describes the symptoms of major depression - from the manual .
Since the time of hamlet -- " but two months dead , nay , not so much , not two " -- our culture has deemed that the bereavement period should last approximately two months .
But holly prigerson , a researcher at harvard university who studies bereavement , says that while there 's no good research on what percentage of people will meet the criteria for depression after a loss , it 's clear that most experience depressive symptoms far beyond two weeks .
I would like to explore the possibility that our scientific and capitalistic paradigm has an aversion to heightened emotions ( crying , screaming , etc. ) and doesn 't allow sufficient bereavement time because grieving can hinder productivity , busyness and business .
As mr. monson filled out his report , the mother sat in the trauma room 's designated " bereavement rocking chair , " rocking her dead son , saying her goodbyes , while family members filed in and wailed at the sight .