Poland 's economic strength in recent years belies a bloated bureaucracy , laxity in public finances and a clogged labour market .
This belies the summit 's conclusions , which aspired to make the eu " an effective global actor , ready to share in the responsibility for global security and to take the lead in the definition of joint responses to common challenges " .
He is a writer of the " almost certainly " school , and he withholds material that belies his thesis .
Iran 's curtailment of outside influences on its numerous students and young people belies their important role in the downfall of the shah 30 years ago .
" It is a beautifully simple idea that belies a rich layer of meaning and references , " she said at monday 's unveiling .
' The japanese government is saying that the containment 's ok , but that belies belief when you see the violence of the explosion , ' said john large , a nuclear consultant .
But this belies the fact about how they work .
Bickering in public and on the back benches belies a strikingly businesslike atmosphere in whitehall .
Big rallies will coincide with the supreme court 's arguments , but the furore belies an increasingly obvious fact .