

begat 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And hezekiah begat manasseh , and manasseh begat amon , and amon begat josiah .
- 希西家生玛拿西,玛拿西生亚们,亚们生约西亚。
- Kjv and methuselah lived after he begat lamech seven hundred eighty and two years , and begat sons and daughters .
- 新译本玛土撒拉生拉麦以后,还活了七百八十二年,并且生了其他的儿女。
- And the days of adam after he had begotten seth were eight hundred years : and he begat sons and daughters .
- 亚当生塞特之后、又在世八百年并且生儿养女。
- And david took more wives at jerusalem : and david begat more sons and daughters .
- 大卫在耶路撒冷又立后妃、又生儿女。
- And hezekiah begat manasseh ; and manasseh begat amon ; and amon begat josiah .
- 希西家生玛拿西;玛拿西生亚们;亚们生约西亚。
- And shema begat raham , the father of jorkoam : and rekem begat shammai .
- 示玛生拉含,是约干之祖。利肯生沙买。
- In the bible it says that adam begat cain and abel .
- 《圣经》里说亚当生了该隐和亚伯。
- And noah begat three sons , shem , ham , and japheth .
- 挪亚生了三个儿子,就是闪、含、雅弗。
- Kjv and noah begat three sons , shem , ham , and japheth .
- 新译本挪亚生了三个儿子,就是闪、含、雅弗。
- And jared lived after he begat enoch eight hundred years , and begat sons and daughters .
- 雅列生以诺之后、又活了八百年并且生儿养女。