beany 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- It was too late for there to beany buses .
- 太晚了,没有公共汽车了。
- Why should it beany different now ?
- 为什么现在都变了?
- You sure she needs to beany more bent right now ?
- 所以你能不能现在离她远点?
- Come with us . There won 't beany successful ones .
- 象我们是不回成功的。
- There 's no breeze . Lt could beany one of these tunnels . Take your pick .
- 一点风也没有.任何一条隧道都有可能是,选一个吧.
- Why should he beany different ?
- 他为什么要例外?
- Why should they beany different ?
- 她们也不例外?
- Could you beany more crazy ?
- 你是不是想更疯狂些?
- Gee , you think there 's gonna beany fallout from this ?
- 吉,你觉得这是帮派冲突的结果吗?