
battier 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Rockets forward shane battier has guarded everyone from ray allen to dirk nowitzki .
- 火箭前锋肖恩?巴蒂尔已经防守过从雷?阿伦到德克?诺维司机的每一个人。
- Rockets forward shane battier is expected to make his season debut tonight .
- 火箭前锋巴蒂尔预计今晚将作赛季首演。
- Battier has had such a defensive mentality ever since he picked up a basketball .
- 巴蒂尔从他捡起篮球就有着这样一种防守精神。
- If battier health back , no doubt the sky is the limit of this rocket .
- 如果巴蒂尔健康复出,无疑天空才是这支火箭的极限。
- Shane battier will play , but it 's not clear how much .
- 巴蒂尔将会上场,但也不是很明了。
- Battier followed with his3-pointer , then fouled bryant before he could get off a shot with 1.3 seconds on the clock .
- 之后巴蒂尔投进一个3分,又赶在科比投篮之前犯规。此时只剩1.3秒。
- I do not thinks so , battier did best job .
- 我不同意。巴蒂尔打得很棒。
- Van gundy said it 's that relentless nature on the defensive end that makes battier such a strong defensive player .
- 范甘迪说,用防守终结比赛是巴蒂尔这样一个强大的防守队员的无情天性。
- Battier , meanwhile , already has engaged houston .
- 同时,巴蒂尔已经融入休斯敦了。
- First off , the rockets are not actively looking to trade battier . Second , why do you think the sonics are just dying to have howard ?
- 首先,火箭并不急于交易巴蒂尔;其次,为什么你会认为超音速急于得到霍华德?