

bash 变化形式
复数: bashes
第三人称单数: bashes
过去式: bashed
过去分词: bashed
现在分词: bashing
易混淆的单词: BashBASH
bash 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- You keeping score on how many heads you bash in ?
- 你的多少分要看你打到多少个正面朝上的
- Why did I meet you on the gang bash ?
- 为什么我今天会在破烂堆里遇到你?
- Watch out for halloween eve on campus . It 's gonna be a mad bash .
- 万圣节前夜在校园可得留点神。那个狂欢集会是很疯狂的。
- Wild rose ro + se increases maximum life . Adds physical damage on bash .
- 野玫瑰增加生命值上限,在猛击时增加物理伤害值。
- The more underhanded gambit is the decision to bash the insurance industry at every turn .
- 而不太光彩的伎俩则是:他们决定要时不时地敲打一下保险业。
- This year we held an excellent halloween bash for our class !
- 今年我们举行了一场非常别开生面的万圣节活动!
- You should have seen how she decorated her house for the bash .
- 可惜你没看到派对那天她家里的布置,真是绝了。
- They said they would bash me up if I went to the police .
- 他们说如果我叫警察就饶不了我。
- True , it has become fashionable to bash bankers and to call for greater international supervision of the financial system .
- 诚然,痛斥银行家、并呼吁加强对金融体系的国际监管,已成为一种风尚。
- The phoney peace is over : how republicans and the tea party will use the new congress to bash obama .
- 虚假的和平结束了:且看共和党和茶党如何在新国会群殴奥巴马。