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- Steven barg , head of global capital markets in asia for ubs , said stable markets would return .
- 瑞银资本市场部亚洲区主管包世勋(stevenbarg)表示,市场将恢复稳定。
- Steven barg , goldman sachs group inc. 's co-head of equity capital markets for asia excluding japan , said 2011 should rival 2010 in terms of ipo volume , with most deals coming towards the second half of the year .
- 高盛集团(goldmansachsgroupinc.)股权资本市场亚洲(除日本)共同负责人巴尔格(stevenbarg)说,2011年的ipo数量应该可比2010年,而其中多数都将在下半年举行。
- Mr barg says he believes that global investors are likely to spend much of the next six months looking to recapitalise companies across asia , such as banks , which are offering valuations that represent discounts to longer-term intrinsic value .
- 包世勋认为,未来6个月的很长时间内,全球投资者可能会考虑对一些亚洲企业(如银行)进行资本重组,这些企业的估值相对于其长期内在价值有相当程度的折让。