Among them : use a ' barbell ' portfolio for stocks , buy bonds of emerging-market nations and hold more cash .
For instance , 50 body squats score 32 points and five repetitions of a 60kg barbell squat gets you 57 points , while a far more time-consuming one-hour walk earns 104 points .
At the time , his personal portfolio was the standard wall street big-shot barbell , with a pile of municipal bonds at one end to provide safe tax-free income and private equity and hedge fund investments at the other .
' It is not the barbell that overwhelmed wu , but a world of difference in terms of treatment toward gold medal winner and that of silver medal , ' read an article in the southern metropolis daily based in guangdong province .
He has created a ' barbell ' portfolio of u.s. government debt , with around 70 % laddered into one - to five-year treasurys and high-quality municipal bonds , and the other 30 % in debt that is seven to eight years out .