英音  [bəˈrɑ:kə]    
美音 [bəˈrɑkə]    


n.巴拉卡;伊玛姆·阿米里(生于 1934) 美国作家;其诗歌和剧作;如<奴隶船> (1967年)

baraka 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

In this ingenious study , all the volunteers watched clips from the 1992 film baraka . The scientists chose this film because it has no plot or story line , no actors or dialogue or narrative voice , just a kaleidoscopic collection of images from nature and various human cultures .
Screenwriter rhonda baraka said that despite the tough times independents face , the landscape is also rich with the opportunity for creativity and to break into the mainstream .
I met my interpreter in baraka , in a town on the western banks of lake tanganyika .
As mr zimmer wrote several years ago , " barack " comes from the swahili " baraka " - blessing , borrowed from the arabs .
Two years later , now head of the al baraka group , another bahraini bank , he oversaw its initial public offering ( ipo ) , the largest thus far by an islamic bank .
The term baraka is a sufi one and from which our french barque and italian barca is derived .