The imf expects a partial backtracking , though the scale of the imbalances should not be what it was before the crisis .
There are rules : you must follow one global direction ( east or west no backtracking ) ; you must start and finish in the same country ; and you must book all of your flights before departure , though you can change them later ( which may incur extra charges ) .
This guy could turn out to be even crazier or more brutal than his father or grandfather ...... but it strikes me that given the circumstances the downside risk of moving forward is very low compared to the ill will from backtracking .
Unfortunately , obama readily reversed himself in subsequent campaigns , backtracking to the politically safer ground of favoring civil unions .
The bombshell he dropped on his first visit as prime minister to the island of okinawa was that he was backtracking on what has become the most sensitive promise of last year 's election campaign-to move an american marine base off the island and possibly out of japan altogether .