The axion is extremely lightweight with neither electric charge nor spin , so it hardly interacts with the universe 's surrounding matter - that 's if the particle even exists .
In axion 's new battery the negative electrode is replaced with one made from activated carbon , a material used in supercapacitors .
In tests , axion says , its pbcs withstood more than 1600 charges and deep discharges before failure , which is three times better than standard lead-acid batteries that are specifically designed for such deep cycles .
A team led by x-ray astronomer hugh hudson of uc berkeley says , however , that they are onto a promising and new way to search for the axion : looking inside the sun .
The x-ray images to date , hudson said , have turned up empty of axion signatures .
They are manufacturing intense magnetic fields in the hopes of detecting microwave signals of an axion decaying into a single , real photon .
Meanwhile , america 's marines are testing a special version of axion 's battery in some of their assault vehicles .
And in the axion dark matter experiment at lawrence livermore national laboratory in california , astrophysicist karl van bibber and his colleagues hope to create their own axions .