So think very carefully before assigning your participants a score for their participation .
Instead , the commander gave him another chance , assigning him to a new platoon .
Observers attributed the problem to organizers accidentally assigning judges to run polling stations who had died or weren 't available for other reasons .
Keys work by assigning a key value to a node and giving you easy access to that node through the key value .
One way a teacher meets everyone 's needs is by grouping students according to their level and assigning an appropriate task to each group .
One of the organization 's main jobs has become assigning and overseeing domain names on the internet .
This was achieved by assigning very low risk weightings to a bank 's assets under the basel ii treatment .
In assigning students to residential colleges , yale seeks to create a microcosm of the larger community within each college , capturing the true diversity of the larger student population .
We can express a large number of relations among entities by assigning properties to classes and allowing subclasses to inherit such properties .
For centuries , the holy roman empire derived patronage by assigning rights to a limited number of toll points .