Jane brings this guy she hardly knows back for some kind of assignation ?
On the day of her assignation , she waiked him to a tube .
Infrastructure of support of innovation small and medium enterprises , assignation of administrative spaces .
Miss johnson had the idea that one of our pupils might have gone out there to keep an assignation with someone .
Lead the production team to assemble and commission the products per assignation ; and participate in the daily work .
These rumours were fuelled by a delay in the statistics bureau press conference to announce the figures for gross domestic product , and the assignation of mr li , a relatively junior official , to do the briefing , instead of the chief of the agency .
Article 15 due to the termination of the temporary work plan , the temporary work staff affected by such termination , shall be assigned to other recruiting units working on other temporary jobs , the assignation is done by the public employment service institutions , and they shall receive the temporary work allowance .