

[人名] 阿金

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In a study led by david schaffer and adam arkin of the university of california , berkeley , around 80 % of latent hiv became active in cell cultures treated with a combination of saha and prostratin .
In arkin 's system a robot trying to determine whether or not to fire would be guided by an " ethical governor " built into its software .
Arkin says it isn 't the ethical limitations of robots in battle that inspire his work but the ethical limitations of human beings .
The researcher who has gone the furthest in designing ethical robots is ronald arkin of the georgia institute of technology in atlanta .
The system is not ready for real-world use , arkin admits , but something he 's working on " to get the military looking at the ethical implications . And to get the international community to think about the issue . "
H arkin : I 've heard that a more correct terminology for this might be a northern american virus .
H arkin : dr. fauci , in my opening statement I kept referring to it as the so-called swine flu .
Wagner and arkin used interdependence theory and game theory to develop algorithms that tested the value of deception in a specific situation .
The other , william m. arkin , is that despised creature , a blogger-or was until he put aside the national-security blog that he conducted on the post 's web site to begin his collaboration with priest .
Many of the laughs come from the hollywood guys played by goodman and arkin , although to be sure , as they set up a fake production office and hold meetings poolside at the beverly hills hotel , they aren 't in danger like their " crew members " in iran .