The aristocracy ran the parish church , their tenant farmers and workers making up the congregation .
Although this is far from being any kind of aristocracy , it 's certainly not good .
The tradition is an ancient one , originating with the aristocracy who would play instruments and compose poems in the autumn countryside .
Emil jellinek had good contacts with the worlds of international finance and the aristocracy and became increasingly active as a businessman .
In the time before capitalism , the aristocracy for the most part lived high by taking from the poor .
He also highlights the later american fascination with european style and english aristocracy that led to the marriages and mansions of the great 19th-century tycoons .
The babylonians ( and the assyrians before them ) transported the aristocracy and leading citizens of subjugated territories .
Cheung spends much of her tune in hong kong , a city that sanctifies aristocracy , yet the persona she projects is that of a harried manager .