

approvingly 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- She smiled at him approvingly .
- 她向他赞许地微笑了一下。
- Christine surveyed the room approvingly .
- 克丽丝汀赞许地环视一下房间。
- His coach nodded approvingly and walked away .
- 他的教练点点头表示赞许,然后走开了。
- He approvingly cites companies that reward consumers for promoting them via social media .
- 他颇为赞许地引用了一些公司的例子,它们奖励那些通过社交媒体推广它们的消费者。
- The musician smiled approvingly while the little girl was playing the piano .
- 小女孩弹奏钢琴时,这位音乐家赞许地微笑着.
- As the international monetary fund notes - approvingly !
- 正如国际货币基金所观察的并且表示赞许!
- Some right-wing commentators have seized approvingly on the image .
- 一些右翼评论家称赞这张海报。
- The first accountant nodded approvingly , " good choice ; the clothes probably wouldn 't have fit . "
- 第一个会计师赞同地点着头,"不错的选择.那些衣服可能会不合适."
- The receptionist nodded approvingly , " and what is wrong with your ear , sir ? "
- 接待小姐得意的微笑的说,“怎么了?”“我的耳朵有问题,”他陈述。
- She told him that " I would always deny it , I would always protect him , " and he responded approvingly .
- 她告诉他,"我总是否认,我总是保护他,"他回答说.