Appellations of origin has the following basic features .
Lisbon agreement for protection of appellations of origin and their international registration .
Lisbon agreement for the protection of appellations of origin and their international reslstration .
Pomerol is the highest-priced among all bordeaux appellations reasonably because of its easy-drinkingness , silkiness , and most importantly outstanding aromas and bouquets .
Some ethnic appellations not implying insults were also changed at the wish of the given ethnic group , for instance , the appellation of the tong ethnic group was changed to zhuang .
Commercial banks are not allowed to use tempting , misleading and affirmatory appellations and vague words that imply potential risks or are apt for dispute generation to name their financing products .
A comparison of the appellations in chinese and vietnamese and the related teaching strategies .
Nese and english appellations influenced by cultural differences .